Thursday, August 28, 2008

Between the thought...

I woke up this morning feeling so refresh. Again, today will be another day I will have to sloth it out at home, trying to finish my PhD thesis which have been so ‘elusive’. Or more I should says, I have been postponing for so long. The urgency I felt for the last couple of months is so intense. I have been pursuing this for about 5 years now, starting from my master and then, converting it to my PhD. I sometimes wonder why I am doing all this, just to add the title, Dr, to my name…What next I asked. I have couple grants waiting for me to do and research on but now I come to a point of soul-searching, is this what I want to do for my career.
It has been a wonderful and exciting 5 years doing my PhD. While most of my peers and friends have started working for 5 years or more, I am still studying and not earning anything but leaving on my hard save money and scholarship. At times, I just have to dial the hotline, and thankful that God provide me with a supportive families. Some of my peers have married, mostly not yet, and those who are married, are now starting their families. Children, I mean. Some have migrated and are now achievers in their own right and respective fields, earning monies and flying to places like me taking buses to the different rural areas.

But the realization that if I am given a chance to do all over again, I will still be taking the same path and doing the same thing what I am doing now. This makes me realize I don’t have much regrets in my life. I am living a life, many can only dreams of. How many have a chance to study and do PhD till the age of late 20s? And at the same time, not to worry about loans, finances, families or just simply survival?

No regrets you asked? At all? Well, I think the only regrets is that I have not taken a gap year and to do community projects and serving the people, touching life and changing communities, transforming nations. I always believe, a simple life can change more life. A ripple effect! If I can, I would love to go to place like Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam or elsewhere, for a year and live with the rural folks and do something for the community. Well, now its still not too late isn’t it?

That aside, Christmas is about 4 months away and we are preparing for another show, another presentation.

We have been pouring over the scripts for some many times, editing it and identifying for the right actors and actress, getting the costume, booking the studio and to promote it too…sometimes, meetings have been pull till late night and I know the editor for the script

Tonight will be another meeting and next week, we are having the audition.

I can’t wait for the practice to start. I know this will be great and as for myself, let just say, I am back to be in touch with my other side. Hopefully, I have not lost it after all these years with books and blood and orang asli and more research…

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