Wednesday, August 22, 2012


A child can bring so much changes in one's life. Now that I have been a dad coming 8 months (but I am no expert in parenting or being a dad), I can see how much my life have changed since my daughter was born. Yet, this changes in my life is something which I am wiling to do it again, anytime. The changes are not easy but had bought us much joys. 

A lot of our routines now circle around our daughter's schedule. Things that we do have also changed. We can't go out the whole day anymore. We have to return home so that our daughter can rest. Movie time is now more of a luxury. Those who knows me well, know that I LOVE my movie time! But it's a sacrifice I gladly make! 

Some of the changes are good too. Now I have an excuse to leave my work place right on the dot at 5pm. My daughter will be waiting for me to get home so that she can go out to play or to take a walk. She loves her evening walk or an evening at the pool. Retrieving mails from the mailbox is her daily routine too. 

Less time on TV is a good thing. Before you judge me on that point, you have to know that I 'watch' TV to de-stress. When I say I 'watch', it's not necessary that I am watching any movie. Most of the time, the movie is watching while I am reading or typing away - exactly what I am doing now. I turn on the TV just to serve as a background noise. I guess, not just only baby needs white noise but me too! I have watched the whole series of Bones maybe about 6 times, Monk - 6 times, Eureka thrice, Warehouse 13 twice, Big Bang Theory and Castle each once but will be doing that again soon. Of course, a lot of other movies too! I digress! So, less time of TV means less productivity on my work too. Nevertheless, this is good because I can then rest and be more alert the next day! The extra quality time I spend with my daughter and wife is better anytime and I am loving it. We are taking more evening walk too!

I am also very careful what I eat and do now. It's never easy when you are have a child who are like white sponges. Monkey see, monkey do! They absorb everything they see! I don't want to set a bad habit for her by eating unhealthy foods like chip and soda! I am also more careful now about where and when I am using my phone or iPad too. I don't want that to be a constant fixture on our dining table later on! Call me old-fashion all you want, but dining table is for food and technology has no business to be on the same table during meals! I don't want to text or facetime my child for meals when she is in her room when she grows to be a teenage girl then.

There are a lot more changes that we have to make. However, one important thing that I am determine not to change our priority to make God first in our life. I am proud to say that no matter how hard our night before Sunday is, we get up to go to church; never missed any Sunday worshipping in church because we are too tired! We are learning and trying to do other things too now that she is getting bigger. We are hoping that we can start to serve as a family. It's never too young to start. 

I know more changes will come. Somedays it will be easy, other days will be not-so-easy. But we will learn and cope and adapt to it! I know I have a lot more to learn. This serve as a reminder that when I trip and fall, I have to stand up and do better. 

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