Friday, August 17, 2012

Celebrations in Foreign Land

Among the many things I love about Malaysia are the multi cultures, multi ethnics and multi-what-are-in-between, of people and celebrations! Even tough now that I am in America, deep down I am always excited when a celebration is coming up in Malaysia. I will try to celebrate it in whatever way I can.

I will try to google for the celebration's advertisement. I love the late Yasmin Ahmad's creative adverts in particular. They always depicts the multi-cultural society that always reflect who we are as Malaysians.

This year is also the same. I start to search for the video clips on YouTube. I found a few which I like.

I love one short film which was produced by Petronas.

However, when I saw this by Bernas, I was kind of lost.

I am not sure where I stand about this as I am lost about the meaning behind it. I know Muslims visit their family members grave on the day of Raya but why the sad story of these two children who doesn't have anyone to celebrate with? What happen to all their families and friends?

I do hope that this Raya celebration, no one is left behind.

Selamat Hari Raya to all! Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

1 comment:

Mat Salleh said...

Selamat Hari Raya!

Eating lots of rendang & kuih and enjoying the empty highways on your behalf, hehehe