Monday, January 5, 2009

Windows Live Writer

I have been blogging on and off for the past 2 years. One of the main reason I don't really update my blog is because I find it a hassle to online and upload my pics on blogger.

I have tried writing my post offline and then uploading it, yet its not so fast and easy. I have even tried to watermark my pics and this is the most hassle thing to do. It takes up a lot of time. This is until I found out about Windows Live Writer, that makes blogging a breeze!


Everything now is so easy. It just a few clicks away. Now I can write everything through this writer and when I online, I will just publish it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaya. Agree ! But still, some features can only be used when online. But its very good compare to the others. 5 stars rating. eh no. its 10 stars. lol