Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2 weeks and 7 States

Recently, I have been travelling quite a bit. From Kedah to KL then, to Terengganu before flying off to Sabah, I must says, this is the most hectic travelling plan I ever had. However, not all are for leisure, I have to work as I go to different places too.
I have not been able to update much on my blog as web connection in hotels are really bad. If its not paying your bucks for it, you will have a slower than the snail connection which makes it impossible to upload any pictures!

Pulau Sapi in Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park...

Anyway, this will a short update as I short out my pictures taken from the trips. I max out my 2gb memory card. I think I must buy a bigger capacity card now! Have over 800 pictures to sort from mountains, to beaches and also work related!

Sunset at KK
Right now, I am back and replying my emails. At the meantime, these are 4 pictures I took over in Sabah.
Mount KK
I do hope, I will have enough rest before I will start travelling again this weekend and also next weekend.

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