Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Ahh...i was watching this video from Pete Teo about Malaysia Artiste for Unity and I thought it's wonderful.

And I just love to show you all here.

there are so many people involve in it and you simply just love Harith Iskandar, the Funny man in red...

Then, while having dinner, one of my friend ask me to view this video below...

Suddenly, it dawn in me...

Malaysia is not just us Malaysian only. We are truly a nation with so many nationality living here. People love Malaysia yet, so many of us are running away from this nation.

While others love Malaysia, why Malaysian is not loving this country anymore. Maybe we should and MUST try to do something, in us, to love our beloved country!

In the second video, it's a Nigerian dance performed by Malaysian. and in the first video, there are so many races (all malaysian) trying to spread the message of united races in Malaysia. Wow!

P/S: My friend is the one performing the 'macarena' move in the white robe standing in front of the group!

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