Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A minute creation

Coming from a mind of a trained scientist, sometimes, I amused myself of what I can do and how much I can think highly of myself and of what I have. Reading a friend's blog earlier, I came to realise how much tiny of a spec I am in this vast wonderful world of His creation. Such a great beauty that we are, created in His own image, He crafted me in such a wonderful detials. Yet, most of the time, I will think that I can handle it myself, forgetting about His grace upon me. Not just me, but millions out there, still searching for the supreme being, do think they can survive, not want to says overcome, but JUST 'survive' without Him and His grace.

How can anyone think that He does not exist. Yet, so much to prove He does and still creating things with just a Word. He is so much actively involved in daily life. Looking at the pics (both are DNA) I knows I am in a good hand. Into such details, that I am crafted. Maybe some may wonder, what is DNA. In short "DeoxyriboNucleic Acid"; is a genetics map of who we are. We can't see this DNA with our naked eyes, yet, this tiny molecules are found in millions in our body to make who we are now, TODAY. Amazing isn't it? Yup, that is how our Creator created us. This is how much hassle He has to go thru to make us. Each DNA molecule is unique to a person, much more than the finger print, iris, palm print, etc.
So, who says we exist by ourselves and that He is in no business of what we are doing today? Who says He does not loves us, knowing that He goes into such details and hassle to create us that each and everyone of us can be unique in our own way?
All I can says, at least for myself, I am blessed that I am in His image, that He loves me so much and willing to send His only Son for me. All I can only do is to say THANK YOU and stand in awe, lost in the beauty of His creation!
Once a Wretch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
