Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fence Sitter or Trend Setter? 12th General Election!

Let me mind you… this is going to be a long write up with not much of illustration.
So, make your coffee and buckle up…

I can’t help and notice since the start of the election campaign, there are lots of poster and banner being put up. This time round, the election campaign also have bunting and billboard placed at strategic place, I must say, but not so practical. Both sides have come up with creative ways of winning and capturing (‘fishing’) the heart of the voters!

Billboards and bunting have been placed at junctions and roundabout which blocks the view of drivers. Bunting hung at lamp posts in the middle of the road blocks the view of driver of opposite sites. You wonder how will this affect? Let me tell you, when we drive, we have to be aware of, at least, pedestrians, crossing the road. Sometimes, with the banner, we are block of the view! Furthermore, with so many banners along the road and writing on it, it disturbs the concentration of the drivers! We tend to read what is on the banner! After all, that’s the purpose, to capture the attention of the voters!

All this gimmicks of campaigning are just to ‘fish’ the votes of fence sitters! I mean, if you are a die hard fan of BN, you have decided who to vote for even before the election campaign. If you believe that Anwar was ‘politically’ blame and put to charge of sodomy and corruption, you will have actually believe in their campaign of being ‘just and fair’. KeADILan is building their campaign on the ground that we must have a multi-racial party and government when in actual case; Anwar has been an Islamic extremist when he was in the government! Anyway, knowing voters, if you are captured by his charisma and believe in his campaign, you have decided KeADILan will be able to set up ‘fair’ government! Ahhhh…if you think that having two counters at the shop to pay for groceries, one for the women and one for men, is practical, you will support Hadi Awang with PAS!

I can’t help but actually to notice at DAP ‘rocket’ campaign this time round. I must say, they are building momentum with ‘father and son’ team.

Fire the ROCKET! I will cover you base and you will help to cover mine!

As a Penangites myself, DAP have built a strong influence and presence in the shaping and building up of our political image and believes! Led by Lim Kit Siang for the Tanjung campaign for the past election and even once, manage to upset Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, DAP do have a strong followers but I must says they cannot win!

Knowing Penangites, the people love it when they come to give their ceramah. I remember in 1999 elections, young as I can be, I went to the ceramah just because Lim Kit Siang is singing the evergreen Hokkien song ai piah chiak eh iah! (To win we must fight for it). Their ceramah is always entertaining with their ‘rocket’ flying against the government! With catchy phrases, they are a joy to listen too!

Nevertheless, Penangites are not just people without brain or coconut without the flesh! Young and old, they will be able to judge, who will bring stability to the state. Since day 1, Penang is always a hot seat! Even Tun Daim once said so! Their presence and numbers at the DAP or the opposition ceramah will not always turn out to be votes! People will come to be entertained and then, leave and know who they want to vote for.

BUT there is always a ‘but’ in politics. This time round, I wondering how much is enough for the coalition to form is the government with proper ‘check and balance’. I must say DAP is making in road in this year campaign, calling for ‘check and balance’. Finally ‘rocket’ is aiming at the right direction! At least they are not sending ‘angkasawan @ ‘space tourist’ to ‘out there’ to view down at earth and be the first to pray and fast there!

I wonder myself with a few questions! I am eligible to vote since the last election and I have register as voter since I turn 21. But I have not exercise the right! I confess, I won’t be voting also this year because, I say out of town and it takes 5 hours to drive back to vote is tiring if not I must be ‘too free’ to do so.
But, if I decide to go back at the very last minutes, I must think who my vote must go to!

I am one of the fence sitter for this year general election. Today paper quoted there are about 40% fence sitters! We have not decided who to vote for. We are the young generation with access to various technology and internet for source of news! We are well read and if you must say it, we are sophisticated in a sense, influence by technology and different culture.

I am reflecting and thinking back with few questions lingering in my mind!

First of all, the VK Lingam news of brokering with judge! What is the government doing with it. Until now, there are no concrete actions taken by the government and even by the royal commission. I know, the ‘recommendation’ will only be out after the general election so to create stability and ensure that the coalition will win and the opposition not to have any issues to play on!

Secondly, news of child being kidnapped murdered and lost are always in the paper! What is the government doing about it? First it was the Mongolian case, where the model was blown up to pieces and some police personals are involved! Then, we have the high profile case of Nurin followed by the murder of MIC politician down south in Johor. Now we have Sharlinie case which until now remains unresolved! More are in the ‘pockets’ sitting and wasting the public money with police force not coming out with concrete plan of what to do!

Next, the indelible ink which is now all ‘wash’ away! This must be the jokes of this 12th general election! The EC ordered 48 000 bottles which cost RM2.4 MILLION from India for the general election only to scrapped the use of it at the very last minutes following ‘legal advice’ What joke is this? Haven’t you thought of this before you even order it? This is the tax payers’ money that you are messing with! How can you simply order and throw it away? With that amount of money, you can do lots of stuff, maybe at least, sponsor some orphans or even give out more scholarships to deserving students! You say you can keep it for next general election once the law is gadgetted but TRUST me by then, you will says the ink is already dry and past it due date and order another batch which will cost more! I call for you, EC chairman, to step down!

BERSIH and even the lawyers walk for justice is another issue that I am pondering on! Forget about HINDRAF! HINDARF have their own fight but the facts they brings in children, loses my support! BERSIH is the coalition of few political parties and NGOs to call for a clean, just and transparent election! But the government says this is not the way we should do it! Protest and marching is not in our culture! Then, what is in our culture? To use ‘mat rempit’ as a force to catch snatch thieves? After all, we are asking for democratic practices and for transparency in the coming election! We are not going against the government, in a way or sort!

Talking about the ‘mat rempit’! Look at the picture of Khairy campaigning in Rembau parliamentary seat! Who is the ABANG ‘Mat REMPIT’? He seems to be the head of the ‘Mat Rempit’ party rather then the deputy head of Pemuda UMNO! Incidentally, I wonder where the call to use mat rempit to help police comes from? You take your guess!

Enough is said about today’s government! I have more issues to think of before I decide! I am thinking, how young MP can be to be allow to be elected to the government? We have more oldies then, new blood in the parliament! Should we have the opposition as government? If so, will they take care of our ‘pockets’? Do I want a racist government or even government with its own leader political agendas? What about the corruption, nepotism, cronies and transparency?

I try taking some evaluation seemingly design to tip the ‘scale’ on one side, against the coalition! Just for fun, anyway. If you are undecided, click here, and give KennySia a visit!

Anyway, here is my result!

According to the 100% accurate kennysia.com Who-To-Vote-This-Election Decision Generator™, I am voting for...


Who Should You Vote For This Election?

I wonder who I will spend the night in the island with? I don’t like any of those there!

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