But wait, why did I take so long to update you about her? Before you throw rotten eggs at me nor floods me with emails, let me explain. She was admitted to NICU (no, not a fancy name for confinement home; but Nursery Intensive Care Unit) and for that reasons, I can't get any pictures of her till yesterday.
She was discharged from hospital Putrajaya on Sunday after a week in there.
So, yesterday, we visited the proud parent. and the baby is cute, sleeping at that time. Well, take a look the pics, isn't she cute? And this happy "kai ma" (self proclaim and installed) happily cradle her and with TLC, put her on the bed.
Take a look at her again when she sleeps. Who does she look like? Papa RaRi or Mama RaRa
emmm... for you who can't make out your mind, this is what most of us think...
Overall, she looks like mama RaRa la. with sharp chin too. Thank God, she have a nose looking like her papa RaRi. When you look at her from side ways, she looks like her papa la... but whenin front, she looks like her mama...well, you ask me why? I say that's because it's the creation of God! Amazing huh!
She looks pinkish here in the picture. this is because, she is pinkish la. baby ma... I am sure when she grows, she will be fair. Oh by the way, she got LONG legs... emmm... next top model, maybe?
Well, welcome to the world; baby mermaid "RiRi" Arielle Alexis Leong!
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