Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween - Oppa Gangnam style

You know you have made it big when everyone in the world is following and imitating you. I am not just talking about people dressing up like Psy, but I am talking about this.

Even the house is dancing to Oppa Gangnam style this halloween!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Anthony Bourdain in Penang

Anthony Bourdain is one food critic with huge following. His show Anthony Bourdain: No Researvations is very popular in the States. Recently, he took his show to Penang and filmed Penang street eateries and food delights. The Penang, Malaysia segment was featured in Season 8 on 4th June 2012.

Here are the three parts of the edition.

Proud to be a Penangite and Malaysian!