Economic meltdown is sweeping across the globe and not a single country is spared from the effects of it. The degree of the meltdown differ from nations to nations. The worst since The Great Depression, one can't be help but anxious of what is to be faced in 2009.
As a consumer, I am not shielded from economy meltdown personally. However, I know, He is in control. He said, let tomorrow worries for itself and today, have its own problems. And after all, I am nothing but His child. And if He clothed the savannah and the grassland with lily and tulips and many more wonderful flowers, won't He not take care of His child and feed Him?
But, as I sit at the sidewalk cafe and look at the people, I can see it in people's face and life.
1. The usual lunch time rush, is no longer pack. Well, at least not at the fancy restaurant but now at the office pantry to heat up food!
2. Pack lunch is more popular. Wife's and mum's cooking is the best, that's what they say!
3. Recycling is the in-thing. Mend you broken heals, re-sew the open seam on the bag, and even, the newspapers are to be sold at the recycling centre.
4. Car-pooling is a popular even though the petrol price is at all time low for the last 3 years.
5. Bus stops, commuter trains, LRT stations are all pack with people. However, one can argue, is this because of economy meltdown or because of lack of efficiency of the public transport operators and systems? After all, when are these places not pack?
6. Chill out or having a drink after work is no longer in Starbucks and Coffee Bean but at the Ali Roti Canai Stall or Line-Clear mamak stalls at the alley which served equally good coffee if not better. Who says they are lack of standards? Try sitting at by the stall which is set up beside big drains and they offer nothing lacks of 'aromas'. In fact, more! Standard are what you think it should be.
7. Overtime means 'complete-it-tomorrow'. Suddenly, nothing is urgent or important by employer. It can wait!
8. Creativity takes on new meaning. If you can cut down cost; you are creative. Doesn't matter the outlook, CHEAP is good!
9. You want to take a loan and never could do so, now is the time. Oh, no need to go to the bank, call them, and ask them to come to you! FedEx is slower than the bank officer delivering money to you!
10. Movie in cineplex? Didn't you know you can download that movie one month ago?
Now, get back to work! Didn't you know that you are only allowed to use the Internet only for 15 minutes a day to save cost on IP fees. And we are boycotting the US products. Windows and Apples software are products of USA.
Boss...I can't work. We cannot use the PC as we are boycotting US products. And we have to save cost during this harsh time!